Tag: jekyll


Previous and Next Links within jekyll Collections

how a navigator for jekyll collections is written

If you want to add some navigation links within jekyll posts that bring you to the previous and next one, it’s a fairly simple thing to achieve, since all articles are found within the paginator. I’m showing you how to do the same thing for collections.

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A front Matter generator with ruby

Why I will no longer remember my front matter variables

After an Introduction to Java a few years ago in school I decided to leave the programming languages behind me. I think if we’d have gotten an introduction to Ruby, my opinion would have been different. I had studied ruby for one day, when I wrote the first version of this generator. After a year of Java I was not even able to program as much functionality as I can with just a few lines of JavaScript and CSS today. And the thing I wrote in ruby is definitely more useful. Because It means that I will never again write front matter declarations in a jekyll page.

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