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Category: lettering

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screenshot of different types of grid

The Math of Calligraphy Grids

A Deep Dive of When I Fell Down the Rabbit Hole of Coding an SVG Guideline Generator

An ode to calligraphy guidelines, falling into rabbit holes and the fun of code. This article is about the math of calligraphy grids and how to create them with SVG.
code · lettering
holding out two pen holders

Pur­­suing Calli­graphy

How I got started and what I wish I knew before diving head over heels into pretty letters

The origins of how halfapx fell in love with letters.
lettering · writing
christmas mail

Sparkly Christmas Happy Mail

& a Christmas Guide PDF

A collaboration with Stabilo on how to make simple christmas cards.
lettering · writing

At Caran d'Ache

About coffee and pens and the smell of Inspiration

Recounting a visit to the Caran d'Ache factory
lettering · writing
uninspired written all over

A Case of Uninspiratiocia

Cozying up in the artist’s black hole

The feelings of being uninspired as an artist.
lettering · writing

Calligraphy Mastes Podcast

I was allowed to ramble for over 1 hour straight

Super excited to be featured on this week’s episode of the Calligraphy Masters Podcast that has featured some of my biggest Calligraphy Inpirations, so I am very excited to have been asked to join the conversation.
my handouts

Teacher Thoughts

My relationship with teaching

Thoughts about teaching Calligraphy for the first time.
lettering · writing

Presents for the Calligraphy Enthusiast

A Letterer’s Gift Guide

A gift guide for Calligraphy and Lettering Enthusiasts

Colored Fudenosuke Brush Pens

First Impression, Review and comparison to Zebra Funwari Pens

The Brushlettering World has a new colored fude pen! Tombow is releasing colored versions of the Fudenosuke, the moment I saw them being released I knew I had to compare them to the Zebra Funwari pens I had gotten a couple months ago. This video is a bit of an unboxing, first impression, comparison and forgetting how to talk properly when facing colored pens and trying to write their names.


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