Category: writing
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On the years-long absence and a relaunch that is very back to the roots
Musings while coding this very page you're looking at
Coding eBooks with Calibre
including enhanced typesetting
How to create a kindle eBook with Enhanced Typesetting using Word + Calibre
Pursuing Calligraphy
How I got started and what I wish I knew before diving head over heels into pretty letters
The origins of how halfapx fell in love with letters.
Sparkly Christmas Happy Mail
& a Christmas Guide PDF
A collaboration with Stabilo on how to make simple christmas cards.
At Caran d'Ache
About coffee and pens and the smell of Inspiration
Recounting a visit to the Caran d'Ache factory
A Case of Uninspiratiocia
Cozying up in the artist’s black hole
The feelings of being uninspired as an artist.
Teacher Thoughts
My relationship with teaching
Thoughts about teaching Calligraphy for the first time.
On NaNoWriMo 2017
A Glimpse into my mind
What goes on in my mind when I'm writing
On joining the enemy, leaving etsy, coding love, design thoughts and content changes.
A post about the relaunch of halfapx, the changes in design, content and the shop.