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Category: code

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Coding eBooks with Calibre

including enhanced typesetting

How to create a kindle eBook with Enhanced Typesetting using Word + Calibre
code · writing

How to Move from Etsy to WooCommerce

Solving Common Problems, and taking your shop to the next level – for free

A guide on how to move from Etsy to WooCommerce, including a breakdown of the costs and fees, and how to set up your WooCommerce shop.

Automated Discounts & Fees

Add or Remove Money based on Cart Data in WooCommerce

I haven't written a proper nerdy post in a while, and since it took me quite a while to figure this out in a way that worked for my use case, I decided to get this all written up, in case anyone else here takes enough pride in their coding, that they just refuse to pay 150 bucks a year for a thing they can write up in under two hours.

A Responsive Multi-Level-Menu without JavaScript

Using the :checked hack to create a responsive multi-level-menu

Previous and Next Links within jekyll Collections

how a navigator for jekyll collections is written

How to write a navigator for jekyll collections

A sticky navbar for blogger that is not 100% wide

how to fix a blogger navbar without it having to be 100% wide.

How to fix a blogger navbar without it having to be 100% wide.

Two Menus, One Responsive Off-Canvas Navigation

two menus combined into one off-canvas nav

exploring the possibilities of combining two menus into one off-canvas navigation

Basic responsive menu (off-canvas with flexbox)

pretty much the easiest 1-Level-Menu ever

A simple 1-Level-Menu that turns into an off-canvas menu when it collapses

Responsive Blogger Menus: 3-Level dropdown from list

A dropdown menu without coding skills

A dropdown menu without coding skills


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