Category: Code


How to Create a Kindle eBook with Enhanced Typesetting using Word + Calibre

and a few websites and a code editor, but you can do it!

A bit more nerdy than we’ve been in a while. Calligraphy content coming back, but you guys on Instagram wanted it, haha!

This is a quick and easy Tutorial on how to properly set up a "pretty" fiction (or any other text-forward) ebook for a kindle. We'll go over formatting basics for your Word Document and a few tips and tricks as well as how to actually set up enhanced Typesetting.

This is going to help you create an ebook that can be sideloaded onto a kindle.

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How to Move from Etsy to WooCommerce

Solving Common Problems, and taking your shop to the next level – for free

I left Etsy about a year ago and I haven't looked back ever since. However, after leaving, setting up the new shop was no easy task, even though I am a web developer by trade and have set up quite a bit of WooCommerce shops during my day job. But – I had set out to write the full theme myself, even though I am not a Backend person and PHP and I do not get along to well, and also I didn't want to use any premium plugins (because I am greedy and obviously like to take more pride in my abilities than I sometimes should), did I manage to get all of my things set up how I wanted them without any premium plugins? Did I almost go crazy while tackling that? Was it oh so worth it in the end? Hell, yeah!
So let's look at how I did it.
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Automated Discounts & Fees

Add or Remove Money based on Cart Data in WooCommerce

I haven’t written a proper nerdy post in a while, and since it took me quite a while to figure this out in a way that worked for my use case, I decided to get this all written up, in case anyone else here takes enough pride in their coding, that they just refuse to pay 150 bucks a year for a thing they can write up in under two hours.

What am I even talking about? Discounts and fees, based on the Items added in your cart. I’m not talking about applying some Coupon Code based on the Cart Information, but a proper positive or negative fee, that shows up as it’s own line in the Cart. Here’s how you do it.

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Sass image slider with text animation

A responsive image slider with textoverlay, without any JavaScript

A few months ago I showed you how to write an image slider with Sass only. A while ago I was asked to write a slider with text and animating that text as well. So I took the code and modified it to suit my needs. Today I wanted to sit down and write a post about it, because it has been a while, sorry for that.

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A Responsive Multi-Level-Menu without JavaScript

Using the checked-hack to create a responsive dropdown menu

It’s been a while since I wrote something about doing JavaScript work with CSS. So I decided to create this responsive navigation using the :checked hack.

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Previous and Next Links within jekyll Collections

how a navigator for jekyll collections is written

If you want to add some navigation links within jekyll posts that bring you to the previous and next one, it’s a fairly simple thing to achieve, since all articles are found within the paginator. I’m showing you how to do the same thing for collections.

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