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Luis Creations Soap vs. Intllab Magnetic Stirrer

Battle of the Ink Mixers

A comparison of the Soap by Luis Creations and the Intllab Magnetic Stirrer

Whiteout: White Ink Showdown

The Good, The Amazing, The Worst

White Inks are a whole subject of their own. A while ago I wrote about black inks and the different types of inks available, so I’ll just reference you to that for this kind of information. This time round, I dug out all of the white inks I had available (and bought some new ones) to give you an ultimate white ink showdown.

Automated Discounts & Fees

Add or Remove Money based on Cart Data in WooCommerce

I haven't written a proper nerdy post in a while, and since it took me quite a while to figure this out in a way that worked for my use case, I decided to get this all written up, in case anyone else here takes enough pride in their coding, that they just refuse to pay 150 bucks a year for a thing they can write up in under two hours.

Lettering Names (no. 6) iPad Pro & Procreate

This is the sixth installment of my name lettering series. This was sped up 3x times, written with the Azim Pen Grid was made using my Grid Brush.

My Top Black Inks

Plus you’ll also learn about different types of ink and which aren’t vegan

Me and black ink have a pretty strong bond and somewhat of a long history. Back in my school days I got/had to use fountain pens every day and I’m gonna be honest, I just never liked the default royal blue. That was before Social Media and before I learned about this wonderfully amazing thing we call Online Shopping so all I knew was a very limited palette of ink, notably Royal Blue (urgh), Dark Green (not allowed in School), Red (loved it, also prohibited), Pink (my top favorite, but also not okay in school) and black (OMG, it’s allowed to use, it’s not freaking royal blue and it’s kinda awesome!). Me and black ink were a pretty big thing and if you look at old notebooks of mine, before all of my dark reds and burgundies and turquoise they are pretty much exclusively written in black. So to say that me and black ink go way back is a bit of an understatement, since it’s basically been with me for most of my life, since I was around 8 years old. But black and me in Calligraphy didn’t have the easiest of starts, because I tried a lot of inks I didn’t like. That has changed now though.

PVC Pipe Pen Storage

Pinterest Made Me Do It

A DIY project to store pens horizontally

Get Better Hairlines

instantly & long term

We all love them. We all crave them. We all want to achieve suuuper thin hairlines. When I first saw delicate calligraphy written with a 303 nib I was in awe! But how on earth was I supposed to achieve that when I was so heavy-handed? Well, I decided to work on it and less than a year later, hairlines is what people most often compliment me on. Today I want to share a few tips that I've learned to make hairlines thinner and prettier.

On NaNoWriMo 2017

A Glimpse into my mind

What goes on in my mind when I'm writing

Vectorizing Workflow Battle

The Letter Vector Smackdown

A quick comparison of different vectorizing methods in Adobe Illustrator.


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