Tag: dropdown

Two Menus, One Responsive Off-Canvas Navigation

two menus combined into one off-canvas nav

I created this menu at work, when we wanted to have two menus but just one off-canvas navigation after the collapse. The idea was to combine an off-canvas menu with a classic navbar and then merge them into one separate off-canvas navigation on the collapse. Suprisingly, this proved to be not as easy as I initially had thought. But it was still achieved in the end, here you’ll see how.

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Responsive Blogger Menus: 3-Level dropdown from list

A dropdown menu without coding skills

When I first started creating responsive Websites, navigation was always one of the hardest things to accomplish. Because of that, I almost always went with Bootstrap. But using a pretty huge framework for something pretty small like a menu pretty soon started bothering me. So I searched for tutorials on how to write a responsive menu and soon started, to write my own, because there was almost always something that I did not like.

For all of you out there that are in the same position I was, when I started, I created this menu. It is a three level navigation, that will be generated from a simple link list.

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