Procreate Brush Page.
Okay, you’ve got the brush, you’ve got an idea how the curve works, so let’s find the perfect one for you.
Your first step should be a comparison.
In this test you should practice an up and a downstroke, always using the same amount of pressure but using different curves. you want to test it with the default and then create curves that look like the two examples. You might also want to take a screenshot with each, so you don’t forget.
Then practice your lines. YOu want to put them all next to each other, and then evaluate. Look at the lines and determine what you like and what you don’t like.
I literally scribble on there because I always write stuff down.
As you can see my first result was that I liked one part of each curve. So I conculded another extreme case curve, which I then tested.
Once I got this new curve I knew that that would be my basic shape, but I had to soften it a little bit.
I kept the curve and practiced writing, always adjusting slightly until I came up with my perfect curve.
The process of finding the curve might take a while. This test will help you find the basic shape. After that take a few days and test your curve. tweak it as you go and at some point you’ll just have it.
My pressure curve helps me make my hairlines thinner and my shades thicker, which is exactly what I want. A super high contrast between thick and thin.
I hope those tips help you find your personal curve. If you do find it (or already have) let me know what it looks like, I find it really interesting!